Hi, I’m Cindy, 

I am a Hungarian immigrant to Australia, living in Brisbane with my partner Bennie and my youngest daughter in our home. I am passionate about education, not just for my children as a Mum of 4, but for myself as well. 

As a survivor of abuse, since childhood, abused by different people throughout my life, I AM now on a mission to educate others and share what I know about the importance of Self Love. If you have ever been caught up in situations riddled with abuse, you know how tricky it can be to escape and then set up a new life – I am here to share with you that the vicious circle of living with abuse even if abuse goes back through several generations in your family, can stop and be swapped for a more loving, caring and kind life and I share with you how I did it. It is not easy, at times it is very difficult, God knows that I’m well aware of that. Abusers do everything they can, to try to stop you from exposing the truth, to start a new life that you deserve. If I can do it, I believe in you that you can do it too! It would be an honour to serve you, can’t wait for you to connect with me through the links you find on this page. I would love to know, what is your Dream? What is that something you would like to change in your Life? Let me know and let’s get your Dreams Come true! Fastest way to meet each other is when you Join our Online Community Here.  Please respond to all three questions after Requesting to Join, also Agree to the Rules, to be approved. 

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Video from my first ever photoshoot! why have a photoshoot? 

simples…to do something I have never done before and because I’m worth it! Having friends to make it happen, was Magical!

Only a few short years ago I would’ve never done anything like this as I hated that woman who was staring back at me in the mirror. This photoshoot was the celebration of me loving me!

Video 4:05 minutes


Couple of Fun Photos from my first ever Photo Shoot. 

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haha, this photoshoot was so much fun! 

my gorgeous hairdresser, Erika had to step in and be my wardrobe assistant too, and had to place a few other things into place than just my hair, and my photographer friend who is also Erika captured some candid moments. I highly recommend to organise a day like this once in a while if you haven’t already.

I loved wearing this stunning outfit 

Sometimes you just have to do things that makes you feel good from the inside, let your hair down and treat yourSelf that extra special nice. Instead of waiting for someone else to treat you nice, treat yourSelf nice first and the rest of everything nice falls into place. As soon as you treat yourSelf nice, all the nice People, Circumstances ‘just’ pop out of nowhere! Give it a go! I’d love for you to Contact me and tell me what you love best about this outfit or about this photo and I would love to share with you where you could have access to outfits as gorgeous as this and more. I have been blessed with a friend, her name is Gina, who has exclusive access to the most amazing outfits! Allow me to introduce you to her. yes, I know that I have double chin on this photo, but that’s OK…it’s part of me too!

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