I am on a Mission to help you Live Your Amazing life filled with Love, Confidence and True Happiness. 


This website is the only authorised site to purchase my 1st Paperback book from. For the same Express Post charge you can add up to 4 books. Click on ‘Qty” or ‘Details’ after clicking Order Now, to alter quantity. It’s a Gift that Keeps on Giving, consider Gifting a copy to your loved ones.

‘How To Let Your New Life In’

7 Day Mini Workshop 


Have you had enough of feeling unworthy, feeling like you are never good enough? Do you have a burning desire to either get a better job, or build your own business, but you find yourself struggling with a lack of self-love, self-image issues, the negative effects of emotional, physical or any other type of abuse and the endless, unquenchable desire to have other people’s approval? I get you! Are you Ready to Feel Like a Real Woman, Like You’ve Intended to Be?

Hi, I’m Cindy Fox, an Intuitive Relationships Coach, an Author, and NLP Master Practitioner.

As a Survivor of Abuse and Trauma, I am NOW on a mission to share what I know about the importance of Self-Love.  I show Women who feel Stuck in Fear, Unworthiness and in their Relationships how to reConnect with their True Selves to become Confident again, and Live the Life they Truly Deserve.

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Powerful Gift for You

One Full Chapter 

Day 4 – I AM Imagination 

from my 1st Book

Born To Ask And Receive

My Most Favourite Manifesting Technique – You Could Say it Contains Mysterious Information

I’m sharing the exact method I used to keep our home as we were facing homelessness. You can use this same method for what your heart desire. 

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I haven’t met a woman yet who told me that they have had any suspicions or any signs they could see at the beginning of their relationships that they were going to be abused, and yet…many of them were. Once they have found themselves in that situation they have also found it to be extremely difficult to leave. Low self esteem, lack of finances, worrying about what happens to their children, collectively, are just a few but the main reasons why they were too scared to leave, or after leaving be able to set up a new life, one without abuse present. My Dream is helping 10,000 women & more, build a new life after having escaped from Physical, Emotional, Financial Abuse. 
