
Dreams Do Come True

After two divorces I would have never imagined what the Universe had in store for me. Meeting Bennie within 6 hours of asking the Universe for a man like him, was Magical. Funny story though, as I forgot to ask for, please send me this man in about two years, but it seems like my forgetfulness served a purpose. I just wanted someone to love me, for me. Not to want to change me, but simply…love me. After 7 years we are still together, and with my youngest daughter, we are living happily in our tiny little home that I often refer to our ‘castle’.  Bennie is so much more than what I have asked for; you see, some of the ‘bonuses’ received with Bennie, I could not have asked for as I didn’t know they have existed. When you Ask you then must Allow to Receive that something or someone you are asking for. Trust the process, …this photo on the left is one of my most favourite photo of the two of us.

Cindy Fox

Sue Freeman

Wisconsin, USA

Sue shares her experiences, including of her student loans of over $200,000 USD having been forgiven in only the 3rd week of us working together. 

Elaine David

Ontario, Canada

Elaine shares her experiences of us working together and how her life has changed after looking after herSelf more and more. 

Kelly Shae

Victoria, Australia

Kelly shares her experiences, of having left a toxic relationship and after us working together for a few short weeks, how she was able to form new, healthier ones and then the decision she was facing about something very close to her heart. 


Michelle Finlay

Brisbane, Australia


Born-To-Ask-And-Receive-Cindy-Fox-Brenda Verhoff-Happy

Brenda Verhoff

Missouri, USA



Kelly Shae

Victoria, Australia



Elaine David

Ontario, Canada


Gillian Hazelman

Brisbane, Australia



Gisele Bourdeau

Ontario, Canada



Mary Stokes